Ask better questions
Make sure everyone understands and agrees on the challenge to solve.
When promoting a key challenge, you want people to develop a shared sense of purpose so that everyone is moving in the same direction, but projects often feel more like assignments than invitations.
Why agree upon the challenge to solve?
Better alignment among teammates and wider stakeholders eliminates wasted effort. Direction is more important than speed and a well-framed challenge can serve as a common point of reference for developing and evaluating future ideas.
There are different ways to agree upon a challenge. You might:
Develop a project brief
Select a challenge from an existing backlog
Rank challenges based on some given criteria
What makes a good approach? One that:
Is informed by existing research and insight
Puts the challenge into context
Invites broad exploration
Avoids providing a solution
Promotes and provokes action
We recommend you work with teammates to:
Review your key identified challenges
Rewrite your challenges as “How might we…” questions
Discuss and group similar items
Select the best challenge questions
Use your challenge questions to frame research, kickstart ideation, and anchor future work sessions
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