We know that our future will involve humans and technology working together…

We have created a few digital tools, some with the help of AI, that can help you create better outcomes while remaining human centered. You can see all the free tools we have available below ⬇️

Why not give them a go and drop us an email with some of your feedback on your experience?

Did the tools rock 🤘 or do you think they need some fine-tuning? 🎸

🕵️ Size up the challenge

Look at a challenge in different ways to determine the context, the benefits and where to focus effort.

🙋 Ask Better Questions

Turn problems into questions that enable breakthrough idea generation.

👥 Generate a List of People

It’s easy to forget how many people are needed to develop and deliver amazing experiences to others.

Project Success Assessment

Turn problems into questions that enable breakthrough idea generation.

💬 Explain Ideas with Storyboard Text

Create the text for a storyboard to explain how an idea will work in practice.

We hope you enjoyed jamming with our tools!

We’d love to get feedback and hear how people use the assistants. If you’re up for sharing your experiences, drop us an email 💌

Measure the likelihood of your project being a success, for free.

Our Project Success Assessment enables individuals and teams to quickly assess a project against four areas critical to success, then identify what could be done better, and how to do it.

A score of 80 or above indicates a project has a high chance of success. Anything below means there's opportunity for improvement.